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There’s no doubt that one of the most popular mods for players to use is the minecraft skins. You can simply download your skin of choice, and then you can transform your avatar to the character of your choosing. You can patrol the open-world of Minecraft as Superman or someone who is very famous such as Stan Lee.
Before we get to these Minecraft skins, there are some things that we should take note of. In the world of Minecraft, skins can mean two things, which are Character skins and the World skins. To explain them, Character skins change your actual player’s appearance, and the World skins simply change the appearance of the Minecraft world.
So, in this article, we would be giving you a list of some of the top skins that you should get your hands on in the amazing world of Minecraft. You would even start to ask, why would you want to look like someone else, right? Well, we’ve always dreamed about someone who we are not, right?
That is one of the reasons why we play these video games. The idea of running off to a fantasy world where we can be anyone who we have always wanted to be. In Minecraft, we not only set foot in a world where we are the center of everything, but we can also look like the hero we have always envisioned ourselves to be.
Iron Man
Come on, who would not want to be a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist? Even if it is only in a make-believe world, we can still be Iron Man. Especially after the Avengers Endgame movie, who wouldn’t, right? Iron Man will always have a special place in our hearts and a dream that we have always wanted to be.
Thor The God of Thunder
This Minecraft skin of Thor, the God of Thunder, has become a solid favorite of people, and especially for the female players of Minecraft. A man full of muscles, tall, and handsome, it is no surprise why girls want to play the game as Thor, and why they fall for him. The skin exhibits the long hair version of the hero and its red cape.
The mean green smashing machine is known as the Hulk. Sadly, you can’t transform from being Bruce Banner when getting angry and become the Hulk. Nevertheless, we are sure you would still want to play as the Hulk, right? The Hulk is one of the most recognizable characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and is known as the Strongest Avenger.
Stan Lee
If you truly are a big fan of the MCU, then we are sure you already know this guy, right? Stan Lee is a comic book writer legend who created all your favorite MCU characters and is known to have cameo appearances in your favorite Marvel movies. So, wouldn’t you want to put your feet into the shoes of the creator of the Marvel Universe? Excelsior!
So, have you already made up your mind of which Marvel Minecraft skin would you pick? It’s pretty hard to decide, right? All of them would be a great choice. What are you even waiting for? These Minecraft mods are extremely fun, especially when you’re dressed up as your favorite superhero.
This is the reason why Minecraft is so fun to play, and you’re looking for something new to do other than creating your lavish houses, then adding skins on your avatar is one way to spice things up. There are thousands of skins that you can choose from if these marvel superheroes don’t tickle your pickle.