
Lewis Elementary School review- It is ranked as the fourth-best public elementary school in Forney, Texas. The school comprise 535 students in various grades K to 4 and student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. Based on the test scores provided by the state, 84% of students schooling there are proficient in reading and 89% in math. The school is situated on 1309 Luckenbach Dr Forney, TX 75126.

In terms of the best public elementary school teachers in Texas, Lewis Elementary School is ranked 534th position out of 4,520. It also comes 863rd place out of 4,581 in the state. For the best public elementary school teachers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the elementary school is ranked 155 out of 1,082. For the best public elementary schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the school is ranked 311 out of 1,105.

For the most diverse public elementary schools in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Lewis elementary school is ranked 545th position out of 1,135. In Kaufman County, the school is also ranked 2nd out of 21 for the best public elementary school teachers in Kaufman County, 4th out of 21 for the best public elementary schools in Kaufman County, and 13th out of 26 for the most diverse public elementary schools in Kaufman County.

With these various rankings, Lewis Elementary School is considered to be the ideal school for your wards. Having them enrolled there ensures that they get nothing but the best education in the area. The students are being provided state-of-the-art education via the provision of district-issued ebooks and laptops. They have qualified and experienced teachers that will ensure the best learning experience for your child.

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There are neighbouring areas that surround the school, making it great for individuals that intend to relocate to Lake Ray Hubbard, Rockwall, Collin, and Kaufman. These areas include Mount Olive Lane, Perrin Drive, Jack County Drive, Nueces County, Cross Cut Drive, Flanagan Drive, Pontotoc Drive, Erika Lane, Enchanted Rock Drive, Luckenbach Drive, San Antonio Drive, Spofford Drive, Trickham Drive, and many more.

Also, if you are moving in with your family, it would be ideal to get one of the ranch houses in Clements Ranch. These houses are affordable and come with other perks that suit your needs. Additionally, it is a five-minute drive from the ranch to the school, which implies that you do not have to worry about your children getting late for school.

One of the perks you get moving to Clements Ranch is the wide list of amenities they make available to all residents living in that area. Some of these amenities include a pool, playground, dog park, access to the lake, horse area, fishing dock, amenity centre, and many more. Interestingly, they are in partnership with reputable home builders such as Gehan Homes, D. (Diazepam) R. Horton home construction company, and Highland Homes.

The homes provided come in various models like Avery, Condor, Lakehurst, Ellington, Horizon, and Driskill. These homes are designed to give you the desired comfort and environment for you and your children. Not only do they get to enjoy their day at school, but they also enjoy their stay at home. If you would like to know more about Lewis Elementary School and Clements Ranch, please visit this link: https://clementsranch.com/schools/.