When you are in complete hopelessness and despair, you wish that someone would come and save you from your miseries. Sadly, more often than not, you have to lift yourself on your own. If you are lucky enough to find the motivation and inspiration to figure your life out, you’ll pass that phase, but there are thousands just like suffering in utter pain. Just like you, they also wish for a miracle to happen or for someone to come and give them the ray of hope.
What Can You Do?
What if I tell you that you can be that ray of hope for thousands of people who are suffering from the same abuse as you are? Yes, you can help them through the power of your words. Understandably, it is not an easy thing to come out with your story in front of the whole world. It is because there is always a great chance that people will not believe you or worst, they’ll bully you instead. All these factors just push you back in the darkness and make you believe that there is no wait out for you.
Is There A Way Out?
Yes, you can always take a stand for yourself and for others like you. The best part is that you don’t have to reveal your identity at all. (rockstarjackets.com) You can take a pen name, for example, John Doe and write your heart out about your suffrage, problems, and traumas. It will give you much-needed peace of mind and a way to fight with your abuser as well.
How will it Help Others?
Imagine being an answer to someone’s prayer? How great is that, right?
When it comes to telling your story to the world, you are giving people hope who are suffering just like you. You inspire them with your story so that they can also come out and let the world know what they are going through. It is a very noble thing to do, and the best part is that you can do it completely anonymously.