Kidney stone size chart

Kidney Stone Size Chart and How to Treat According to Severity?


Food intake plays a major role in the well-being and the global economy of the nation. Consuming a balanced diet can improve overall health and keep you away from so many diseases, including obesity, malnutrition, heart disease, diabetes, and many more. Kidney stones are one of them that occur in the urinary system. Due to a lack of information regarding kidney stone size chart, bad diets, and hectic schedules, people do not realize how they aggravate this health condition.

Kidney stones are formed in the urinary system and vary in size due to so many reasons. In this article, we have mentioned the kidney stone size chart. In most cases, consuming toxic substances and a low volume of urinary discharge cause kidney stones. You can also call this Nephrolithiasis, which elevates risk if the patient is suffering from dehydration.

Is it common to have a kidney stone?

Yes, if you notice the survey done by researchers, almost half a million people worldwide are going to emergency clinics to recover from this. As per the research, an estimated one will survive with kidney stones in their life among ten people. The chances of kidney stones among women are 9%, while it is 11% in men.

Persons suffering from obesity, pressure, and diabetes have higher chances of kidney stones, and that’s why it is common in men. You might have so many questions in your mind regarding kidney stones.

Most people search different questions in Google regarding this but do not always find a satisfactory answer. To help them out, here in the next section, we have mentioned all information starting from cause to prevention.

How does a kidney stone develop?

The chemicals that flow out from urine build kidney stones, which differ from type to type. There are almost four kinds of stones, including Cystine, Uric acid, Calcium Oxalate, and Struvirte. Doctors perform different healthcare techniques to solve these conditions. They condition the body to remove waste that flows out through urine.

But the problem arises when the volume of the urine is lower than the waste. In this stage, crystals form that attract other elements and develop a solid stone by combining. The elements that join together to form a stone are Phosphate, Urate, Xanthine, Calcium oxalate, and Cystine.

Once the stone is formed, it may be in your kidney or travel down to the urinary area. In most cases, if the size of a kidney stone is small according to the kidney stone size chart, it will move out through urine without any hurdle.

But if stones are big, they cannot move out from your body and create too much pain in your bladder, urethra, and ureter. The common symptoms you may have in this case are a pain in the lower back portion, vomiting, illness, droplets of blood in urine, and a bad urinary smell.

kidney stone size chart

Factors that cause kidney stones

There are so many possibilities that expand the risk of kidney stones. The most common cause is drinking a small amount of water, bad diet chart, consuming too much sugar or salt, urinary infections, and all.

People having age between 30 to 40 have higher chances of having a stone in the kidneys. Anyone can have this health issue due to certain circumstances, and those are:

  • Consuming less amount of water
  • Consuming food that contains a substance that forms stones like meat, beans, fish, and more
  • If anyone has a blockage in the urinary tract

Besides this, certain medications increase the chances of stones. The medications for high blood pressure, Obesity, Diabetes, Kidney cysts, Hypercalciuria might disbalance the substances in your body that produce stones in the kidney. Therefore, it is always suggested to ensure that there will be no future chances of having stones before taking any surgical treatment.

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Four substances cause stones in the kidney, as discussed above. The first one is Calcium Oxalate which is common amongst all. This substance creates stone when the oxalate present in the urine combines with calcium. Low intake of calcium in the body plays a major role in this.

Another substance is Uric acid which is mostly disbalance in your body because of an unbalanced food diet. Consuming a large amount of shellfish and meat elevates the risks. Sometimes it is genetic. After this, there are two more kinds of substances, Cystine and Struvite, that are caused due to infections in the bladder and urinary tract.


Kidney stone symptoms

Some kidney stones are small as sand particles, while others are as large as big stones. In the next section, we will share a kidney stone size chart where you can easily understand this.

When the size is small, you will face less pain, but you will develop severe symptoms if the size is big. Some noticeable symptoms are a pain in the lower back, blood in urine, fever, illness, stomach pain, and side pain.

Along with that, if your urine smells bad and looks foamy, you should also go for a checkup. The pain starts with a common ache but goes worse if it is not treated well in time.

In some cases, you may feel pain while urinating. Even the kids also have the chances of stones in the kidney, and in their cases, the symptoms might vary. Weakness, pain in their private area, vomiting, and foul smell shows a person needs medical help.

The stones in the kidneys mostly impact when a person doesn’t visit the doctor on time. It can produce constant pain without causing so much damage. If the stones are small, a pain reliever can help you for some time, but it is good to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In some cases, surgery may need to recover fastly.

When you visit the doctor first, they examine to check the size of the stone. For this, they ask you to do so many tests and procedures. After that, they will match your report with the kidney stone size chart and determine the risk and prevention. The treatment for adults and kids is similar, and we are mentioning this in the next section.

Kidney stone size chart

The size of stones in kidneys varies in size and shape. According to the size and shape, amount the doctor will prescribe the medicines. Through the Kidney stone size chart, a doctor and patient can easily evaluate the important information.

A kidney stone size chart helps to determine which treatment will suit your body and in how many months and days, you can become fit. It also tells that how fast a stone can flush out through your body too. So there are stones that start from less than 2mm to larger than 2cm.

The stones in the size of 2mm to 4mm have an 80% chance of passing automatically through urine, but the stones in cm can’t pass through and need surgery. The stones larger than 7mm need to be resolved with the surgery only. However, the small ones can be diagnosed through medication and home remedies.

Here is what you need to know about the size chart:

Kidney stone size chart in mm

If you start showing symptoms and you detect the condition quickly, you can limit the size of your kidney stone. Ideally, if a person has a 4mm kidney stone size chart, it will pass naturally through urine. In this case, the pain will be much less. However, if it increases to 6mm, there are 60% chances to pass naturally, unlike 80% when 4mm.

Kidney stone size chart in cm

If you see the actual kidney stone size chart provided by your doctor, you will understand the severity of your condition. If your kidney stone becomes as big as 1cm, which is 10mm, the process of surgery will be more critical for you. The level of restrictions and health management will increase as well.

Kidney stone treatment

At first, you visit the doctor they will check your present and past health reports. If necessary, they will also ask you to do some health checkups. After that, they will suggest you drink water and some common prevention tips at the first meet.

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They will also prescribe you the medication that helps break the stones and move them out from your body through urination. But the major problem arises when it creates a hurdle in the urination flow. In this case, the doctor will suggest surgery.

There are so many healthcare techniques developed that instantly go inside your body, capture the stone, and retrieve it. Such techniques are Ureteroscopy, Shock wave Lithotripsy, and all. The most common prevention tip that you can start from your home is drinking water to flush out your body automatically.

How much time does it take to form a kidney stone?

Do you know that even you also have stones in the kidneys without any symptoms? Yes, it is possible. Sometimes stones are placed in your kidney, and you will not feel any symptoms.

In most cases, pain starts when it moves out from your kidney and reaches the bladder area. Sometimes it can take one month, while sometimes, it takes only one single day. To keep away from such a situation, here are some basic tests that your doctor will suggest to you for diagnosis.

How are Kidney stones diagnosed?

When you visit the nearest health provider, they will ask you to perform a certain test to check the risk. As per the test reports, they will determine the prevention tips by considering the kidney stone size chart.

1. Test for imaging

In the first step, the doctors will suggest you perform an X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, and other basic things to determine the stone size, shape, and amount. By considering the reports, they decide which treatment will be best for you.

2. Ask for a blood test

Through a blood test, the doctor will determine the condition of your kidney. They check whether your kidney is functioning or not or do you have any other biochemical problems.

blood test

3. Urinary test

Through this test, they check whether you are affected with any infection or what. They check which substance in your body causes the stones in the kidney.

In case they fail to flush out from your body, they will suggest surgeries. Here the top three surgeries are invasive.

4. Ureteroscopy

This is the common invasive procedure where the doctors insert a small instrument inside your urethra. They will insert this through the bladder, see the stones, and pick them out through the basket. In some cases, they break them out through a laser to easily flush them out through urine.

5. Shockwave Lithotripsy

For this procedure, the surgeons will place a surgical table. In this procedure, the high-energy waves will be sent inside your kidney. It helps to break down and flush out the stone.

6. Percutaneous treatment

If your kidney stone is not recovered and broken down by other procedures, you have to make some changes. Those people who have larger stones in their kidneys will have to go for this surgical procedure. At this procedure, a tube is inserted into the kidney to complete the process. In this procedure, the patient should be there in the hospital for a night under observation.

7. Open surgery

This is the toughest treatment that needs time to recover. If all the above treatments do not work for you, the doctors use this step. Well, this is happening under the minimum circumstances.

If the stone is small, like 4mm, it takes almost one to two weeks to pass through urine, but it may take some more weeks if it is bigger than that. Once it reaches the bladder area, it will flush out through your body easily. In case it is still inside your body, you need to talk with the doctor.

Final thoughts

Are you going through any of this situation discussed above? If yes, you need to take prevention early. There are so many home remedies that you can also start taking to recover from this.

As per the research, you can flush out the small stones from your body by preparing some homemade drinks like Apple cider vinegar, Lemon juice, Coffee, and cranberry juice. But make sure you shouldn’t add soda and many amounts of sugar in this.

Along with that, you can also keep yourself away from this by drinking enough water and minimizing the amount of salt and sugar in your food. For faster recovery, follow the doctor’s prescription timely and maintain a good diet.

Shusree Mukherjee

With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.