Top 6 Reasons To Buy An Ergonomic Keyboard Tray


Having had the opportunity to use and sell keyboard trays over the last 13 years, I can personally attest to their benefits. There is a list of reasons why I think you should seriously consider adding one that we’ll cover below. 

Keyboard Trays Help Position Your Keyboard and Mouse at Correct Height

The standard desk height in the USA varies between 29 “and 30” in height. Unfortunately, this seated height is only good for a small portion of the population. This leaves a lot of us with a keyboard and a mouse that sits too high for an ergonomic fit. 

You can position the keyboard below your work surface using an adjustable keyboard tray. Many of the available ergonomic keyboard trays will drop the 4 “to 6” keyboard / mouse area below the desk surface. 

Keyboard Trays Allow Your Hands to Work in Negative Tilted Position

If you are like most computer users without a keyboard tray, you tend to rest your wrists on the desk surface while typing or using your mouse. This requires less effort than trying to hold your hands slightly above the keyboard, especially if you’re using the keyboard all day. 

Keyboard Trays Help Free Desk Space for Other Tasks

Now let us face it, if you’re like most computer users, free desktop space can be hard to come by these days. Even if you’re a tidy person, the desks seem to be getting smaller as we try to fit more people into the office space. If you’re working on the most common desk size, the 30 “x 60” table top, you’re already stretching your space. Then add two monitors, the phone, the light and the CPU tower; where’s the room to use the keyboard and the mouse? 

Keyboard Trays Move Your Arms from Edge Of Desk Surface

As stated in the second reason that we recommend getting a keyboard tray, users tend to rest their arms on the desktop surface. While the recommended solution is to steer your keyboard and mouse to the edge of your desk, most users will do the opposite. Over time, it’s getting harder to keep your wrists raised above the desk surface, so you just drop your arms naturally over time. It’s bad to have your wrist resting on the hard surface of your desk. So the hard edge of the desk surface is pushing into your forearms. 

Keyboard Tray Wrist Supports Can Provide a Place to Rest Wrists

Since most of the keyboard trays come with wrist rests, you’ll have a more comfortable place to rest your wrists when you start to get tired while typing. Some users might even have to rest their wrists on the pad for a full time. While this is not recommended by most ergonomists, it is still a better solution than resting on the hard surface of your desk. Having the opportunity to use both a desk surface and a keyboard tray, I can tell you I miss this one when it’s not available. I’m spoiled, because I’ve got a keyboard tray in my office and home office. When I travel, I find myself working at a standard height desk with only a desk surface to rest my wrists. If it doesn’t take much time for my wrists to begin to get tired of resting on the hard surface. 

Keyboard Trays Help With Viewing Monitors at Correct Height

Having your workstation setup properly will generally require users to have dual ergonomics in place. This means that you can set your monitor and keyboard heights to fit your body perfectly. When you set up a desk with a keyboard on the surface and then set the monitors to the surface, most of them will be set to the wrong height. If you’re lucky enough to have a height adjustment monitor stand, you might be able to raise the monitors to the correct height. But if you’re like most of them, the monitors are too low, and the keyboard tray is too high. (Zolpidem) Using dual monitor arms also allows you to multi-task and complete them in breeze. For more ergonomic and innovative products. Just visit this site.

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