Writing Tips for IELTS Essay

Writing Tips for IELTS Essay


The IELTS essay is rated higher than the first written part of the IELTS exam, so many

examiners place a big bet on it. For this type of paper, you should be able to express your opinion on a particular topic and prove it with examples and arguments. The recommended lead time is 40 minutes and the size is 250 words.

Such strict limits make IELTS essays are very difficult papers to write. You need to be quick and do your best in small text size. But with good writing tips for IELTS essay, you will be able to pass it as a professional writer.

The following tips are recommended by a trustworthy and reliable online essay writing service Essays.AssignCode.com. Its team makes paid papers and this way tries to help students and applicants. It can be an assignment for the American college student, a common essay for the applicant from Germany, dissertation for the student from the USA. Essays.AssignCode.com has solid experience but also affordable prices. It means you can buy a cheap paper but it will be written by professional and high rated writers.

Such conditions made Essays.AssignCode.com one of the top sites among trusted pro services. Now its team wants to share its experience, not for money but free. Using these writing tips for ielts essay can`t guarantee you high grade but can get you closer to getting it.

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Tip 1 from Essay Writing Service. Follow the Basic Work Structure

Introduction – 2-3 Sentences

The introduction should be short, simple, and contain:

  1. A sentence that calls the topic.
  2. A sentence that answers the question or expresses a general impression.

The introduction of your essay is a paraphrased topic of the assignment. Next, you should give a generalized short answer to the question from the assignment.

Paragraphs (2 or 3) – 5-6 Sentences Each

In this part of the work, the candidate needs to express his point of view, prove it reasonably, and give examples. The text should be divided into paragraphs according to the principles of 1 paragraph – 1 thought.

Conclusion – 2-3 Sentences

The main rule of writing the conclusion in the work is not to introduce new information. You need to either rephrase what was said in the introduction or summarize the information in paragraphs.

Tip 2. Build an Introduction and Divide Information Depending on the Type of Essay IELTS

Opinion Essay

Opinion essay means expressing your point of view. You can completely agree with a certain statement, partially or express complete disagreement.

  1. Method 1. The candidate fully agrees or completely disagrees. In this case, each argument in support of your point of view must be devoted to a paragraph. You indicate your opinion in the introduction and conclusion.
  2. Method 2. The candidate partially agrees or partially disagrees. Choosing a balanced approach, you should not only describe the problem from two sides (one paragraph – points for, and the second – points against) but also indicate which position is closer to you. It is advisable to start with an idea that is less close to you and devote the second paragraph to the one that you follow. You must indicate your position in three places: in the introduction, in the conclusion, and in the topic sentence of the second paragraph.
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Discussion Essay

In this type of IELTS essay, you are given a topic that needs to be argued for and against. One’s own opinion should be indicated only if this is stated in the assignment. If it is required, then the structure of the work will coincide with a balanced approach (method 2) opinion essay.

Advantage and Disadvantage Essay

At its core, an advantage and disadvantage essay is the same as a discussion essay, only you need to describe the pros and cons of an idea or a phenomenon. In one paragraph you indicate pluses, and in another – minuses, the order does not matter.

Cause and Effect or Solution Essay

In this type of essay you need to indicate the causes and consequences of a particular problem, and sometimes suggest ways to solve it.

Direct Question Essay

In an essay with directly posed questions, it is required to answer each of them in a separate paragraph, giving 2 arguments.

Tip 3. Broaden Your Horizons to Be Able to Write Essays on Any Topic

You must be able to provide powerful arguments on any issue. Read books, take an interest in what is happening in the world now. You can make small notes about the most pressing events and dates. And while you have time, train yourself.

You cannot contact managers of professional essay writing service Essays.AssignCode.com with a request “I need to improve my writing, help me”, but you can order an essay on a specific topic and see how it should look like. Then try to write something similar and send the experts for proofreading. Start doing this in advance and you will succeed.