Hunt Fox

6 Tips to Hunt Fox


Do you want to take up the challenge of hunting fox? Would you like to learn how to hunt foxes at night? They have a very good sense of smell, great vision, and a good sense of hearing. These attributes make foxes difficult to hunt as they are clever, agile, and move very fast. In this article, we will discuss how to hunt fox.

  1. Fox Scouting

    Before going out to hunt, it is very important that you scout the area you want to hunt for foxes. Scouting in the area will help you become familiar with it as well as learn if there are actually foxes in that area.

    Look out for fox tracks signs of fresh kills, etc. Additionally, look for food and water sources, dens, valleys, hills, burrows, and dense foliage.

    You can also use Google Earth or hunting apps to get a good idea of the area and pinpoint possible areas of interest before physically stepping foot there.

  2. Use Predator Calls

    Hunters also use predator calls when hunting. They are also effective when hunting foxes. There will be times, and it is often, that you will not find foxes in the open fields. You will need to lure them out and that is when predator calls come in.

    Distressed rabbit calls, bird cries, and screams have proven to be successful when hunting foxes with predator calls. They love a free meal in which they don’t have to work hard for it. Therefore, if there is a wounded rabbit or other animal that they can easily eat, then that will be an easy meal for the day. When calling, you don’t want to frighten the foxes you want to hunt. Start calling gently and gradually increase the volume of the sound.

  3. Decoys

    Decoys are also used by hunters when hunting foxes. A moving hare decoy that shakes and spins becomes an irresistible prey for foxes. With a decoy like a moving hare, you can move or shift your position without getting noticed by the fox as its attention is fixed on it.

    Set up the moving hare decoy about 20-40 yards away in the direction of the wind. A hare decoy works well to lure a fox into a shooting range.

  4. Wind Direction

    When hunting in general, you must take the wind direction into consideration or the hunt will end the moment the wind takes your scent to the foxes.

    Foxes have a good sense of smell and if the wind takes your human odor to the foxes, they will leave for safer areas and you can just call it a day,.

    Always position yourself so that the wind is in your face. You don’t want the wind to take your scent to the foxes who have a very good sense of smell. Always be downwind of the area you want to hunt for foxes.
  5. Spot & Stalk

    One of the most popular hunting methods used by hunters is the spot and stalk method.  Hunters will position themselves at a good distance and glass an area for foxes. When they spot one that they want to take down, the hunters will stalk the fox trying to remain undetected for as long as possible to get a good shot.

    It is worth noting that when stalking the fox, you want to stay downwind of the area you suspect the foxes are residing in.  Additionally, you want to avoid making noise as that may get the attention of foxes and cause them to retreat to thicker foliage to avoid danger. Loose rocks can be the source of noise, therefore be on the lookout for loose rocks.


Hunting foxes can be a challenge as they are clever, and have a good sense of l, good vision, and a good sense of hearing. Moreover, foxes are very clever , agile, and fast.
In this article, we discussed tips for hunting foxes such ad spot and stalk hunting method, using decoys and predator calls.

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