At What Age Can Babies Drink Water & How to Offer It?


Although it may seem unusual to withhold water from your babies at an early age, there’s strict proof that babies should not drink until they reach roughly six months old.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a credible source, breastfeeding newborns do not require extra liquids because breast milk contains more than 85% water. Bottle-fed babies will maintain the proper hydration owing to their formulas.

As long as your child is receiving enough nutrients, whether it be from mother’s milk, formula, or both, their amount of hydration should not be of concern. Are you curious about at what age babies can drink water? All of the information is available here.

At what age can babies drink water?

So now, when may you feed your kid water? Most professionals generally wait until your child is approximately six months old and has begun meals. You need to know that you may introduce typical food to your newborn between the ages of 4 and 6 months, even though specialists often suggest delaying till nearer to 6 months.

When your newborn accepts it, please give her a sippy glassful of water each time she begins to drink. Of course, in addition to being excellent preparation for the day when all of your child’s liquids will come from such a cup, newborns often can’t drink much water from a cup. It’s acceptable if your child will only consume water from such a bottle for the duration being just as much as you check what she drinks and manage it.

How much water can you give your baby?

Babies need 4 to 6 tablespoons, or a little more than half a cup, of water every day beginning at the age of 6 months. Although some individuals might prefer more, others—particularly breastfeeding newborn babies — do not require any additional. And before you feed your kid water, learn from your pediatrician exactly how much she absolutely needs.

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Advice on how to maintain well hydrated

When you learn at what age can babies drink water, encourage your baby to know well how to consume from a cup, and give water in a  cup or straw cup.

Surprisingly, among the most challenging drinks to manage is water. Since water is light and passes instantly, the muscle of the mouth and throat should contract quickly. Whenever your child coughs when it is first beginning to drink the water, do not even worry. The actions essential for breast- or bottle-feeding are pretty distinct from the oral motor skills needed to consume from a cup or straws. A baby frequently coughs and burbles whenever the water is not adequately held in the mouth. This coughing and spitting should decrease when the child’s abilities using cups and straws consume advances. Consult your physician if your kid still coughs when drinking water after a significant amount of effort (a few weeks), and also ask at what age babies can drink water.

Many kids will consume enough to fulfill their requirements if you give them regular drinking water. Take these additional suggestions to ensure your baby is sufficiently watered if you’re experiencing trouble encouraging them to drink water from a sippy cup.

Encourage little sips frequently:

Water must be provided intermittently during the day. Your baby won’t feel relaxed from consuming because it won’t be sufficiently hydrated.

Restrict their daily consumption of fresh apple juice to 4 tablespoons if you are using diluted juice.

Making fluids enjoyable:

Colorful textures appear to spark younger children’s curiosity. You may use colorful cups and innovative straws to encourage your kids to be enthusiastic about drinkable water.

Observe the surroundings and activities:

Babies have a more challenging time recovering and chilling off since they can’t handle their body temperature as well as elders. Encouraging drinking water before, through, and after activities.

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As a general rule, encourage drinking at least 2 cups of liquid every 30 minutes or when a pause arises. Your baby’s typical “sip” is comparable to one tablespoon of water.

Include foods high in water:

Foods high in water include stews and fruits like grapes, oranges, and melons. To make the water more exciting and flavorful, you could also add lemon, grapefruit, cucumbers, or citrus flavors.

Risks of early water intake to babies

Some risks are possible to babies’ water intake. So, you need all details of at what age babies can drink water.

Due to the following dangers, very newborn kids should not drink the water:

Not enough nutrition:

Babies who use bottles of water to fulfill their thirst and satisfy their desire to suck missing out on the necessary nutrients that come from their mother’s milk and formula.

Insufficient body weight:

 Your baby isn’t overeating when they frequently drink water in addition to formula or breast milk. That ultimately means your baby won’t intake enough calories to reach the required amount of weight.

Low milk supply:

Breastfeeding or providing your kid water could eventually reduce your milk supply because kids who consume many fluids will intake less at the breast.

Electrolyte imbalances:

Drinking too much water, a dangerous illness when ions (such salt) in a child’s system get diluted, can result from allowing your baby to consume a lot of water. It may affect a child’s regular biological functions and produce diseases such as seizures.

Advantages of providing water to your baby

Water can help  babies, six months and higher, keep hydrated; that also:

  • Carries oxygen and minerals to organisms while aiding in waste removal
  • Lubricates muscles and bones
  •  Regulates volume of blood
  • Alleviates the requirement for fruit juice, which physicians advise avoiding well before the year by only giving in a minimal amount when possible.


Your baby might be ready to receive the first drink of water at six months old. The hydration requirements of babies, children, and teenagers are significantly distinct from those of adults, so it’s essential to recognize this.

They would’ve been urged to act more significantly than humans in warm temperatures or while performing physical activities. When your kids turn one, as long as you watch their actions and provide them with more than enough access to water, you’ll make the right choices.