
Great opportunities for young women to become future entrepreneurs use Small business


Bringing more young women into business, particularly small businesses, is part of a new impetus for the COSBOA Women initiative of COSBOA, which aims to help increase the number of women entrepreneurs throughout the country.

With women still underrepresented throughout the business landscape, the COSBOA Women initiative will provide practical support and mentoring to young women through the Academy program for enterprising girls, launched today at the House of Parliament.

Small businesses contribute billions of dollars to the Australian economy and employ 4.8 million Australians, however, in small Australian businesses, women do almost half of all the work, while men have twice as much Probability of owning the company. In larger companies, women represent only 17% of CEOs, while men represent 83%.

The objective of the COSBOA Women initiative is to defend the owners and operators of small businesses, and support enterprising girls who seek to establish a small business or want to be leaders in a larger company or company.

The Academy for Enterprising Girls is a one-stop shop for young women ages 10 to 18 to help develop their business skills with the advice of some of Australia’s most successful small business women, with the goal of helping more Young women succeed in business. .

Sandy Chong, director of COSBOA and member of the COSBOA Women, said it was vital that Australia do more to promote the success of women in business.

“Working in small businesses is a great way for young women to learn business and entrepreneurial skills, skills that are increasingly demanded and transferable through many different industries,” said Ms. Chong.

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“Every day I see amazing women who succeed in small businesses and do something they absolutely love, but when it comes to running a business, men continue to outnumber women.

“COSBOA is delighted to be part of the launch of the Academy for entrepreneurial girls today, an educational platform designed to provide girls aged 10 to 18 with the skills they need to take the path to become owners and operators of small businesses.

“The Academy for Enterprising Girls is about helping young Australian women develop their mentality and passion for business and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), which will prepare them for future success.”

The program has been funded by the Government of Australia, through the Office for Women, under the Future Women Entrepreneurs Program. The main high-profile technology companies have also provided significant corporate support. The program includes an e-learning component, which will be launched in 2020, and a series of face-to-face workshops in Australia, which started yesterday in Canberra.

Of course, there is no reason why girls and young women cannot start their own small business and become successful entrepreneurs. But we find that many young women are reluctant because they don’t have the role models or don’t know where to go to get good advice on where to start.

“Knowledge is being gained and particularly the confidence to start a business that will give women greater economic security as our economy continues to develop.

“We hope that through initiatives such as Women of COSBOA and the Academy for Enterprising Girls, we can help more young women gain the relevant knowledge and confidence to go out and start their own businesses,” Ms. Chong said.


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