
Best Watercolour Tattoos Tips You Will Read This Year

Beauty Entertainment

Today, it looks like everyone is colored! And while there have been tons of tattoo trends in recent decades, few have been as durable and original as watercolor tattoos.

Watercolor tattoos are funny, chaotic and almost universally appealing. So if you’re interested in a watercolor tattoo, we’ve put together some useful information to inspire you.
Watercolor tattoos started well in early 2010, and although they are popular with men, they are usually women. The stigma surrounding tattoos has waned in recent years, and the number of women seeking color has risen dramatically: one in five Australians has tattoos, and for women, the rate rises to 1 in 4.
Websites like Instagram have also helped to boost the popularity of trendy designs like watercolors. Trendsetters such as Kesha and Lily Cole proudly display their watercolor inspired designs in social media, further fueling the desire for similar designs.

The Ultimate Guide To Watercolour Tattoos : 

One of the most important things to consider when tattooing is how it will look in the long run. Fresh from the business, a tattoo will always look super crisp, as the ink is reapplied. Over the years, however, the ink begins to fade and lines lose their crispness. Watercolor tattoos with their soft lines and bright colors can easily fade the design, making an ink stain look more like a bruise than a tattoo.

Although bleaching is always possible, working with a tattoo artist who is well versed in watercolor styles can help keep your tattoo looking long. While there are some versatile tattoo artists who specialize in different styles, if you are interested in a watercolor tattoo, it is always best to look for artists who have really made a career. This will ensure that you get a good tattoo from someone who really understands the ups and downs of the style and will be happy to help you maintain your body art.

  • Birds watercolor tattoos : Birds have long been a symbol of freedom and adventure, and different birds also have their own symbols: like the owl, which represents wisdom, or the phoenix, which is rebirth. Birds have long been a staple of tattoo art and can be easily adapted to the watercolor style.
  • Abstract designs watercolor tattoos : Abstract and geometric designs like this give the impression of being covered in color. Although it can be a bit difficult to pull you through, a good artist should have no trouble giving you exactly what you want! Abstract pieces can be beautiful, timeless pieces, but remember, the bigger the design, the more it will cost.
  • Flowers watercolor tattoos : Floral patterns like this are perfect for people who are comfortable with nature, or, frankly, for those who love them! Watercolors are great for these tattoos with their vibrant colors and brilliant use of light and shadow.
  • Mammals watercolor tattoos : Mammals are a popular choice for watercolor tattoos, as they are often very symbolic: the fox stands for joke, the elephant for patience, the tiger for strength, the cat for cunning and the wolf for loyalty. Watercolor gives these motifs a fresh layer and makes them even sweeter and more unique!
  • Insect Designs watercolor tattoos : Insects are often very colorful and detailed designs, and the delicate tones of the watercolor only contribute to the effect. Butterflies mean fragility and beauty, bees can symbolize hard work and dragonflies symbolize change and adaptability. Insects also have something about them that makes them with their sharp lines and perfect symmetry to an aesthetically pleasing design decision.
  • Classic Designs watercolor tattoos : Plumage? Stars? Dreamcatcher? Skull? Anchor? Beautifully symbolic objects like these can make fantastic watercolor tattoos. A few splashes of color under the typical black ink make everything come alive. Do not be afraid to consider watercolor paints if you prefer a more classic design.
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Everyone Loves Watercolour Tattoos But The Truth About Watercolour Tattoos to follow the care instructions after tattooing and try to protect the fresh fat from direct sunlight. Taking care of a watercolor tattoo slows down the fading process and you can limit your travels for retouching.

While some people refer to watercolor tattoos as “just a trend”, we disagree that watercolor tattoos are versatile and beautiful art styles that can be integrated to create a truly timeless design.


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