Guilty Plea at Court

The Ultimate Guide to Presenting Your Guilty Plea at Court


Court cases are a bit of hassle, as you need to not only present your case but also win it. Moreover, it also depends on how experienced your lawyer is. We are talking about hiring the right criminal lawyer in Brampton to plead your case in the court.

However, things become a bit complicated when you want to plead guilty in court.

Guide to Presenting Your Guilty Plea in the Court

With that said, let us concentrate on how you can present your guilty plea in the court of law without any hassle.

Before the Mention

After you go to the court for the mention, you need to locate the courtroom where your case heard. The court will put a list of the cases heard on that particular day, and you need to find your name on the list along with the designated courtroom.

You need to be present in the court at least half an hour before to know the exact courtroom. We recommend you inform the court registry in case you are late. Moreover, you might need to appear before the registrar at local courts. The registrar will ask you the method through which you intend to plead your case—the entire process is known as a call over.

In case you want to plead guilty, the case transferred to another court for sentencing by the magistrate. You should know that not all courts have themarketing.blissit procedure of call over, and you might need to appear before a magistrate in a local court.

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At the same time, the magistrate will ask how you intend to plead. In case you plan to plead guilty, the magistrate would give the appropriate legal punishment on the spot. We recommend you stay in vicinity to the court, and if you leave, the jury will decide without you.

You can also check with the court officer or the registry to know the time when the courtroom will resume after the break.

What to Do and Say in the Courtroom

Once you are inside the courtroom, wait in the public area, and wait for your name to call out. You will be standing next to the bar table once your name called out, where the lawyer and prosecutor are sitting.

Remember, it depends on the type of offense that will decide whether the prosecutor would be a police officer or council. It might also be a lawyer representing specific organizations.

Guilty Plea at Court1

Next, the magistrate will ask you if you want to plead guilty or not. In case, you plead guilty then the following happens;

  • Prosecutor provides the magistrate a fact sheet, which states the incident, the date of offense, and your criminal history.
  • A magistrate will read the prosecutor’s documents
  • You will asked whether you want to say anything or if you carry any documents, which you wish to provide to the court
  • The magistrate will listen to your statement and read the documents you provide
  • You are permitted to say anything regarding the case
  • The magistrate will take the final decision

A Word of Advice

You can ask the prosecutor to show the fact sheet before they given to the magistrate. In case you disagree with any information on the sheet, then inform the prosecutor at the same time.

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In case the prosecutor agrees, then they will make the changes, or a hearing might take place to know the correct facts of the case. Moreover, we also suggest taking a look at your criminal history to make sure there is no false information.

When you give any additional documents to the magistrate, show these to the prosecutor before.

It can become a lot of hassle to take in for an individual, which is why we suggest you hire a criminal lawyer Brampton to take care sof all court-related paperwork.

The Final Decision

The magistrate gives the final sentence after reading all the material and listening to your statement. In case you want to go for an offender program, the magistrate can adjourn the sentencing until you come out of the program.

During the process of sentencing, the magistrate will take into consideration the details of the crime and your history. They will tell you about the sentence, which in the majority of cases, will include a fine.

The fine comes into play for many reasons including:

  • Your financial situation
  • The maximum penalty for the stated crime
  • Your criminal history
  • The circumstances surrounding the offense

What About Section 10 Dismissal?

Section 10 dismissal gives the magistrate has the authority to declare you guilty but not record the conviction. It can come on the accounts of ethical behavior of up to two years. It clearly states you don’t have to pay a fine, nor pay a punishment.


Thus, when you decide to plead guilty in the court of law, then finding the right criminal lawyer in Brampton is essential for success. They have complete knowledge of the criminal justice system and can help fasten the process.

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