5 study tips to make sure your lazy kid get the success

5 Study tips to make sure your lazy kid gets the success


Do you feel that your kid doesn’t study enough and has sloth-like tendencies while facing books? Are you worried that his laziness will take him down? Your child has grown up, he is out of high school and he still doesn’t understand the importance of studies. Don’t worry! Here are some great tips that can make sure that your kid achieves maximum grades with minimum efforts.

Studying Less, But Effectively

It is a fact that the time invested in study or work does not equate to productivity. If your kid regularly gets up in the morning and claims to have studied for the whole night, then either he has become a genius with all the study or he is a super inefficient worker.

For a lazy kid, the best study regime would be to spend less time in studies, but when they are doing it, it should be really effective.

Make handwritten notes

Learning is very effective via solid handwritten notes. It is one of the best studying techniques if put-to-use correctly. Making notes which are properly organized with different color pens, highlighted with clear dot points can work wonders.

If your kid is not of the type who studies all year round, this is the best technique to guarantee good grades. Just ensure that he makes these notes well before the exams start knocking. Pos that, sitting with these notes even at the last moment would suffice.

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Yes, it’s true that some real effort is needed in making the notes and organizing them, but then basically you are free till exams. This approach is also beneficial as while making the study material your kid will understand all the difficult concepts.

This acts as a bonus as the child will already have an understanding of what is to be learned before the exams. This is a sure shot method. Just try it and you will see the difference in your grades at once.

Set Rewards

It has been found in a study that reward-motivated learning yields better results. A specific reward set for completing a study session will actually help to boost the child’s memory and motivate him to complete the targeted portion as soon as possible.

The reward can be set by you or the kid himself. For instance, you can promise your kid a tasty and healthy snack for his efforts or buying him something he wanted to have.

You can even use TV as motivation. Ask your child to complete the day’s target and he can watch his favorite shows for 30 minutes. However, truth be told, the ideal reward for a lazy person is just some free time to chill or laze around.

Consider multiple subjects in a single session

It has been found in a study that the ability to learn a topic increases if you divide the time. Let your child take his own time to complete a topic. Don’t let him rush with it.

If your kid doesn’t feel like finishing a whole chapter in a day, it is not a problem. Motivate him to take up small portions of various subjects. Having small sessions for more days is a more efficient approach to learning.

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Sit for online Practice Tests

Before the actual exam, appearing for the practice tests prepares the child for what is about to come. Nowadays there are many online websites like etutorworld that provide practice tests for all kinds of exams.

For example, if your child is preparing for the SSAT exam, then taking at least 3 to 5 online test sessions will not only define his hold on the subject but also make him aware of his strengths and weaknesses. These practice test sessions have the same time limit and pattern as the actual exam which will improve his time management skills considerably.

Over to you…

Though studies are important, make sure they do not become a stress for your child. Having a proper study environment at home is extremely important, especially during the exams when most anxiety is already at its peak. And of course, don’t forget to acknowledge their efforts. This will motivate them to perform well.

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