Website design is the cornerstone of the success of any website. If you have a good website design, you will find it easier to do SEO on it and also attract the attention of users. This is the reason why the design of the website is very important during the development phase of the website. There are several techniques and strategies used to design websites. However, the one that is very popular among web designers today is “Mobile First Web Design”. What is this new technique and how can you help web designers find the best design for your website? Keep reading to find out.
Mobile web design first :
As is obvious from its name, mobile web design first means designing first for the mobile platform. It is a technique in which you start designing the interface of your website for mobile users at the beginning and then move on to web design for desktop computers and tablets. This design approach is widely used today so designers can first determine the essential elements of website design.
As they will have a limited capacity to display items on the shorter screens of mobile phones, they must create a basic and functional design that suits this platform. However, when they move to the desktop, they can extrapolate and add other items that are available to them due to the larger screen size and bandwidth offered to them.
Why is mobile web design better first? :
The first mobile web design is considered a way to simplify the web design process. It ensures that web designers do not have to limit their creativity and, instead, explore it. For example, if the web designer first developed the website design for desktops, he could use many design elements.
The shift to the smallest mobile phone platform in this approach would require them to work with limited options, asking them to degrade the design of their website. This would make them put an end to their creativity and try to settle for what they have. Mobile web designs produced in this way are merely a late occurrence and are shown in the final result. This is the reason why mobile web design is first considered the best option.
In addition, the rapid increase in mobile phone users worldwide has had an impact on the popularity of the first mobile web design. Since most people use their phones to access the Internet and view websites, web designers try to do their best work for those users. ( The mobile web design approach first allows them to do just that. It gives them the opportunity to refine the website design for mobile users before starting to work on web design for desktop users. This helps to refine the web design for mobile phones and desktops and ensures that the design is compatible with both platforms.