political leaders tested positive for coronavirus

41 Leading World Political Leaders Tested Positive for COVID-19


The coronavirus doesn’t understand borders and barriers of the rich and poor, famous and infamous, countries and continents. The virus has knocked the doors of the powerful houses of the world. It has hit the local and national politicians across the world.

We have got you the list of several world political leaders tested positive for COVID-19. We have tried to include as many names possible from different countries worldwide.

World Political Leaders Tested Positive for COVID-19

Prince Charles

On March 25, Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales tested positive for COVID-19. Believing the words of a spokesperson of the Clarence House (the royal residence), the 71-year old man showed mild symptoms. He was in self-isolation at his royal Scotland estate. Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall and his wife, tested negative for COVID-19.

Carmen Calvo

The Spanish government reported that the deputy Prime Minister of Spain, Carmen Calvo tested positive for coronavirus on 25 March.

Abba Kyari

On 24 March, a trusted source reported that the influential chief of the Nigerian president, Abba Kyari tested positive for COVID-19. Now in his 70s, Kyari is a important person in the Nigerian government.

Rand Paul

The Republican of Kentucky, Rand Paul is the first senator of the United States to test positive for the deadly virus.

Michel Barnier

The chief Brexit negotiator of the European Union tweeted about his contraction with the novel coronavirus.

Prince Albert

Prince Albert II of Monaco has been tested positive for COVID-19 as per the statement released from the principality. The statement read that the Mediterranean enclave’s titular head is still working from his private apartment at the royal palace.

Bento Albuquerque

On Wednesday, the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro confirmed that Bento Alburqueque, the Mines and Energy Minister tested positive for coronavirus. He is the second cabinet minister who is infected in the country.

Augusto Heleno

Another political person of Brazil, Augusto Heleno, national security advisor tweeted on March 18 about his positive test results for the novel coronavirus. Heleno, who is 72 is among the closest aides of Bolsonaro and a retired army general. He tweeted that he is under quarantine at his home and looking forward to further test results.

Antonio Vieira Monteiro

Next on the list is Antonio Vieira Monteiro, the chairman of the Portuguese unit of Santander, the largest bank of Spain. At the age of 73 infected with COVID-19, he died as the second victim of coronavirus in the Portugal. (http://rxreviewz.com/) He became the chairman in 2019 after being the chief executive for seven years.

Jeremy Issacharoff

The ambassador of Israel to Germany, Jeremy Issacharoff tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The Israeli Foreign Ministry released the statement on 17 March. As per reports, Jeremy came in contact with a deputy from the FAG (Federal Assembly of Germany) at the embassy in Berlin. The name of the deputy is not disclosed.

Friedrich Merz

During the campaign for the Christian Democratic Union of Germany, Friedrich Merz, the 64-year old politician tweeted on March 17 about his positive test results for COVID-19. He was already under self-quarantine at his home.

Kozo Tashima

Japan’s football association head Kozo Tashima tested positive for the deadly virus on 17 March. He is also the deputy head of the Olympic Committe of Japan.

Nadine Dorries

The first British politician infected with the novel coronavirus is Nadine Dorries, a minister in the health department of United Kingdom. She was reported positive on 10 March.

Peter Dutton

The Home Affairs minister of Australia, Peter Dutton contracted the virus and is under quarantine in the hospital since then.

Massoumeh Ebtekar

The Vice President of Iran, Massoumeh Ebtekar, is the top government official who has contracted the virus. This has also taken other senior officials under covers of suspicion and some like Itraj Harirchi is also found positive for coronavirus. Iran is the epicentre of the outbreak across the Middle East countries.

Sophie Geegoire Trudeau

The wife of Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau tested positive for COVID-19 on 12 march. She went on a trip to the United Kingdom before the tests. She has been in islotaion since then along with the Prime Minister for two weeks. She showed mild symptoms.

Begona Gomez

The wife of Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain, Begona Gomez contracted with the virus on Saturday, as per the officials at the Prime Minister Office. When she was tested positive, both the PM and his wife were in good health. With the number of positive cases in the country exceeds 6000, Spain is about to go under lockdown.

Quim Torra

Quim Torra is the local leader of the Vatalonia region of Spain. He tested positive for coronavirus on 16 March. He is in self-isolation in one of the government buildings.

Pere Aragones

On 15 March, Pere Aragones, the Catalan deputy head of the government confirmed about the positive results of coronavirus tests he took.

Franck Riester

The Culture Minister of France unvealed this week that he is at home after contracting the coronavirus. The country is also under partial lockdown to control the spreading of coronavirus.

Irene Montero

Another Spanish minister tested positive for the novel coronavirus is Irene Montero. On 15 March, he said about his condition and how he and the Deputy Prime Minister and her partner, Pablo Iglesias are under quarantine.

Fabioo Wajngarten

Another Brazil government official, Fabio Wajngarten, the press secretary of Jair Bolsonaro was found contracted with the virus. He went through the tests after his trip to the United Sttaes, where he met the Presedent Donald Trump. However, Trump is tested negative till now.

Francis Saurez

The Mayor of Miami, United States tested positive for the novel corinavirus on 13 March.

Oumarou Idani

Minister of Mines of Burkina Faso is tested positive for coronavirus.

Simeon Sawadogo

Burkina Faso’s interior minister is another person from the government to be tested positive with COVID-19.

Stanislas Ouaro

Burkina Faso’s minister of education confirmed that he contarcted the virus.

Michal Wos

The Environment Minister of Poland tested positive for COVID-19. He tweeted about his condition on 16 March.

Boris Johnson

On 27 March, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom reported that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus and is under isolation.

Alpha Barry

Burkina Faso’s foreign minister tweeted about his positive tests for COVID-19 on 20 March.

Matthew Hancock

The Health Secretary of Britain, Matthew Hancock reported on 17 March that he has contracted the virus.

Susan McDonald

The second federal official of Australia to be infected with the virus is Susan M<cDonald. She is a senator belonging to Queensland’s Liberal National Party.

Andrew Bragg

The third official in Australia is Andrew Bragg from New South Wales. He is also a senator belonging to the Liberal National Party. He attended a wedding party on 6 March in which 6 other guests also tested positive.

Davi Alcolumbre

Next on the list of the world political leaders tested positive for COVID-19 is the head of Brazil’s Senate, Davi Alcolumbre. He blamed the country’s president Jair Bolsonaro for his slow response to the outbreak.

Nicola zingaretti

The head of the Italian Demicratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti is the first politician who tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

Giorgio Valoti

The Mayor of Cene, Giorgio Valoti died at the age of 70 on 13 March after complications due to the virus. Cene is a small municipality in Lombardy, one of the most affected areas of Italy.

Roberto Stella

Another political name that faded from the Italian government officials’ list is Roberto Stella. He died at the age of 67 due to respiratory failure after contracting the virus, He was the president of the Order of Doctors in Lombardy’s Varese.

Torbjorn Roe Isaksen

The minister of labor and social inclusion of Norway, Torbjorn Roe Isaksen tested positive as per the reports from his deputy.

David Beasley

The executive director of the United Nations world Food Program, David Beasley revealed on 19 March about his positive test results for coronavirus. He found out after 5-days of symptoms and went into quarantine right away.

Mario Diaz-Balart

On March 18, Mario Diaz-Balart, the Florida Republican Rep. said that he has contracted the virus. He is the first member of the U.S. Congress to test positive for the novel coronavirus.

Ben McAdams

Ben McAdams, a Utah Democrat and U.S. Rep. confirmed that he was diagnosed with COVID-19 on 15 March. He attended the vote on the House floor, where 400 Congress members were present. He is under quarantine since then.

Helene Weinstein and Charles Barron

According to the reports from Andrew Cuomo, the governer of New York City, Charles arrona nd Weinstein, members of New York State Assembly have been tested positive with the novel coronavirus. The capitol building of the state was closed for deep cleaning after their diagnosis.

In a nutshell

This list covers most world political leaders tested positive with Covid-19. However, there are several other political personalities affected by the outbreak in countries like Iran, India, and others. The virus has taken a toll over all of us, regardless of our power and position.

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