Make sure the tyres are ready before hitting the road

Getting ready for a long trip? Make sure the tyres are ready before hitting the road


With so many people flying these days, it really comes as a surprise to find out there still are people who enjoy an old-fashioned road trip. Traveling by car has many perks, of which mention can be made of seeing natural wonders and actual communities, getting out of your comfort zone, and disconnecting from technology. If you’re ready for a long trip any time soon, check the tires, will you? It can spare you a lot of money. In what follows, we’ll show you what to do to make sure that the car is prepared to take you to your destination of choice.

Check the tire pressure

It’s a good idea to check the tire pressure before getting ready for a long trip. Tyres can overheat as the result of being overloaded, underinflated, or forced at higher speeds. What is more, incorrect tire pressure can lead to lower gas mileage and severely affect the vehicle’s handling. Get your hands on a suitable pressure gauge and remove the valve dust cap from the tire valve. Position the device onto the tire valve system, pressing down gently to ensure you get a precise reading. It may be necessary to inflate or deflate the tires.

If the tires are over- or under-inflated, they lose stability. You can lose control of the car because the steering isn’t responding. The automobile’s recommended tyre pressure can be found on a sticker that is typically placed inside the driver’s door. You should go with the recommended specifications because it’s the ideal tyre pressure for your ride. Let’ snot even talk about the dangers of driving with improper tyre pressure. You can crash because you’re not able to control the car. If you haven’t had the chance to check the tyre pressure, do it now.

Bring a few spare tyres with you

If you’re travelling long distances or travelling across harsh roads, you need a spare tyre or two before you are ready for a long trip. It won’t get you out of all problems, but it’s better than nothing. If the likelihood of running into a roadside emergency is high, it’s absolutely essential to have a spare. You can change the tyre yourself, so you’ll be good to go in a couple of minutes. Purchase a set of tyres for your vehicle, so you’re prepared in case something happens. Make sure there’s enough storage space for all the spares. Also, you might want to bring a breakdown kit with you. While you don’t have to bother to change the tyre, it only works for minor punctures.

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Attention needs to be paid to the fact that tyres age too. They have a maximum life of about ten years. If you’ve got a space that you’ve been carrying around for a long, long time, you should better get rid of it. There are things you can do to minimise your risk of getting a flat tyre. For instance, you’ll be okay if you keep a close eye on road hazards. Be on the lookout for sharp objects such as nails and glass. If you’re passing through a construction zone, you risk hitting a pothole. Be careful. Slow down when steering to the other side of the road, turn on your hazard lights, and don’t change the tyre unless you’re far away from moving traffic.

Rotate your tyres

Rotate your tyres before you roll out. If the tyres aren’t rotated regularly, they suffer uneven wear patterns, which in turn causes them to wear down ahead of time. By rotating the tyres, the wear is spread across the four tyres and their thread life is extended. It’s typically done when you get the car’s oil change. You now know when to rotate tyres, you just have to get on with it. Automobiles have different rotation recommendations, so consult the vehicle’s manual for guidance. Better yet, discuss the issue with a professional and get their input. The general guideline for tyre rotation is approximately every 5,000 miles.

It’s not recommended to carry out the tyre rotation yourself. Go to a garage and have a professional do it. It’s understandable that you’re looking to save money, but don’t compromise on quality. If you’re confident that you can rotate the tyres yourself, make sure to deploy the correct torque spec. Use the parking brake and loosen the lug nuts on all the wheels. Next, lift up one wheel with the help of a jack and place the jack stand underneath it. Use the rotation pattern depicted in the owner’s manual. After having lowered the car, carefully tighten each lug nut. The process may seem simple, but it’s actually complicated.

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Don’t package unnecessary luggage

When you are getting ready for a long trip, don’t bring too many items because you risk overloading the automobile. If you put excessive weight on the tyres, you can experience a blowout. Basically, your tyres will let you down when you need them the most. This is why you need to resist the temptation of packing unnecessary luggage. Keep within the limits specified in the vehicle’s owner manual and you’ll be perfectly fine. Don’t bring stuff that you don’t actually need. The heavier the ride is, the worse the fuel economy will be. For every 100 pounds taken out of the vehicle, you can boost fuel economy by 2%. That’s a lot.

Select a suitable travel bag that’s not too big. Get a bigger size only if necessary. Just because you’re going on a long road trip, that doesn’t mean that you have to pack more than you would on a normal vacation. A couple of clothing items are enough for your little adventure. Most importantly, don’t bring your electronics with you. You should be relaxing instead of constantly checking work emails or catching up on social media accounts. The gadgets can ruin your vacation and may even transform you into a distracted driver. If you remove your eyes from the road, even for a few seconds, you risk causing an accident. It’s better to be safe than sorry.