Hearing loss Prevention: How to protect your Hearing and Ear health?


When was the last time you tested your hearing? Most likely, you won’t even remember it. Meanwhile, hearing problems are among the top most common health problems, and the situation is getting worse every year! Statistics show that even children and teenagers are not immune from this. Is it possible to protect the health of hearing? Yes, if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and monitor your health. Let’s talk about it!

Why is this important?

Most of us take healthy hearing for granted. As a result, few people think about the health of the hearing organs. Meanwhile, hearing plays a crucial role in everyone’s life! Thanks to hearing, we interact with the outside world, communicate in society, build a career and develop! Hearing allows us to learn and explore the world in the first years of life on par with vision and other senses.

Hearing problems significantly change a person’s life. Performing even simple everyday tasks becomes problematic. A person experiences dizziness, migraines, and loss of orientation in space. In addition to physiological problems, psychological ones also appear. A person with hearing loss loses interest in society and tries to live in seclusion. Doctors often note the development of depression and other difficulties.

Do you want to avoid such problems? Take care of your hearing, it’s not that difficult!

What are the symptoms of hearing loss?

How to recognize the first signs of hearing loss? Several symptoms are easy to notice even with mild hearing loss.

  • The desire to increase the volume of the device (TV, smartphone, and other devices)
  • Frequent requests to repeat a word or phrase during a conversation
  • Communication difficulties
  • Rapid fatigue at work
  • Tinnitus
  • Frequent dizziness and nausea

Such signs are typical for adults, but in newborns, they are different. Such symptoms indicate the possible presence of hearing problems. Only ear doctor Staten Island can confirm this for sure. Do not waste time, sign up for a consultation with a doctor when the first signs of hearing loss appear!

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Prevention of hearing loss

Like any other health problem, hearing loss is easier to prevent than treat. This is not valid for all cases, for example, no one is immune from age-related hearing loss, however, each of us can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing hearing problems. It’s not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Following simple rules and recommendations will help to avoid problems and difficulties in the future!

Don’t forget about hearing screening and tests!

This is the most important recommendation from hearing care professionals because time plays a crucial role in hearing loss treatment. The sooner you see the problem, the easier it’ll be to fix it. Unfortunately, sometimes it is not so easy to detect hearing loss. There are several reasons for late seeking help.

First, people simply do not notice the changes. Most often, hearing decreases gradually, as a result, a person gets used to new conditions and does not notice the presence of a problem. Over time, the situation becomes more complicated, as a result, a person begins to hear and understand sounds poorly, including speech and conversations. Only at this time do people usually sign up for a consultation with a doctor, but precious time has already been lost!

The second reason is the unwillingness to do anything. Many people mistakenly assume that you can live normally with mild hearing loss. As a result, they try not to pay attention to difficulties. Of course, this is a serious mistake. The problem does not go away, but on the contrary, the situation only worsens over time! Audiologists recommend annual hearing health diagnostics. This is the best prevention. The results of the surveys can immediately indicate the presence of a problem. You’ll quickly get the necessary help and stop the problem without serious complications!

Doctors recommend checking hearing health at least once a year. Check your hearing every six months if your profession is related to noise exposure. If you suspect a problem, then do not delay, immediately sign up for a consultation with a doctor!

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An annual hearing check will show the presence/absence of a problem. But if you want to avoid hearing loss for many years, pay attention to the following tips!

Helpful tips for preventing hearing loss

Do you check your hearing health every year? Great! But this is not enough. Try to follow the following tips from hearing care professionals!

  • Do not forget to protect your hearing and ears. If you are exposed to noise (for example, in the workplace), then be sure to wear protective earplugs or headphones
  • Relax in silence. Give your hearing a rest after a noisy day – spend time in peace
  • Forget about loud music. Loud music in headphones is also harmful to our ears! So try to monitor the volume of your devices. Do not exceed the critical level
  • Untreated infectious diseases. A simple cold can give a serious complication, which in the worst situation can lead to a decrease in hearing acuity. Always take the full course of prescribed medications
  • Do not take medications without a doctor’s prescription. Some drugs have serious side effects. In some cases, they can lead to hearing loss. Always consult with your doctor before taking any pill
  • Avoid prolonged noise exposure. Noise is detrimental to hair cells. Remember this the next time you go to a rock concert!
  • Observe ear hygiene. First of all, this applies to the use of cotton swabs. They are not suitable for cleaning your ears! It is better to wash your ears while taking a shower or use a wet towel!

These are easy-to-follow tips. However, they significantly reduce the risk of hearing problems. Do you care about your health? Follow all the preventive recommendations and enjoy your favorite sounds for many years!