How to properly organize care for an elderly person?


Caring for an elderly relative is a difficult and responsible process, which can only be handled with high restraint and a sense of tact. In addition to these qualities, you will need certain medical skills and knowledge in psychology.

Let’s see how best to arrange care for an elderly person.

Old people require senior live-in care services, like small children, who cannot cope with some things on their own. Sometimes they require help even with elementary tasks.

At home: on their own

Many people are absolutely sure that no one but themselves can take the best care of an elderly relative. For some, the financial issue is important, because the independent maintenance of the elderly does not require much money.

If you think that an elderly person will benefit from staying at home, under your care, consider a couple of significant nuances. Foremost, if you want to take on the role of a caregiver, you should acquire nursing skills. As your loved one’s health deteriorates, the number of medical skills you require increases.

Secondly, you will have to be patient. Serving the elderly is a mission for an indefinite period. There is no way to know how many months or years you will perform the duties of a caregiver. The need to care for a helpless relative quickly tires you, takes away your right to free time, and leads to the deterioration of family relationships.

Use the services of a nurse

Being an ideal caregiver is not a profession, but a calling of the soul. Not everyone can cope with a large list of responsibilities. Everyone who wants to master the care of the elderly must obtain a diploma as a medical worker, gain practical skills, and learn special thinking. Integrity, patience, reliability, attentiveness, and a positive attitude are just some qualities of a professional nurse. Finding a high-level specialist is quite tricky, and not everyone will dare to invite a person “from the street” to the house.

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In a special institution

Boarding house. Special purpose institutions are designed for elderly people who wish to accept guests with any health condition – both relatively independent and bedridden or seriously ill. Such institutions provide a course of daily care for residents, as well as several rehabilitation programs. Numerous nursing homes of this type are conditionally divided into free and paid institutions.

State nursing homes

It is widely believed that state nursing homes are absolutely not the best choice for placing a close relative. To some extent, this is true: most free boarding houses suffer from insufficient funding. Furniture and equipment in such nursing homes may not change for decades, and there are only one or two employees for 10-15 residents.

Resources for leisure planning in budgetary institutions are also often limited.

Private nursing homes and boarding houses

The level of comfort in a private home for the elderly is no worse than inside elite country recreation centers. Private nursing homes for the elderly are typically located far from industrial areas and have a landscaped area and cozy rooms for 1-4 guests.

In addition to daily medical supervision, daily procedures, and rehabilitation programs, residents have access to all kinds of entertainment. To add variety to everyday leisure, guests are offered thematic workshops and training, games, educational classes, and collective picnics. This approach is able to prevent the onset of boredom, which is so prone to people of age.

Accommodation of a relative in a private home for the elderly is paid. You can pay at once for a long period, a month in advance, and even in installments. There are also short-term rehabilitation programs – 14 days or more. No need to provide any certificates. It is enough for a potential resident to pass standard tests and sign a contract before arriving at the boarding house.

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Which of the elderly care options to choose?

Placing an old relative in a special institution on a paid basis is the best choice for those who do not have the opportunity to spend a lot of time communicating with an elderly family member.

The advantages of applying to GalaxyHomeCareNY are almost all ahead of free institutions:

  • Daily care;
  • 4 meals a day;
  • The ability to call a doctor around the clock;
  • Staff assistance during hygiene procedures;
  • Daily walks in the picturesque territory;
  • Communication and leisure.

Employees of GalaxyHomeCareNY help the elderly to find the joy of life again, and to feel not alone. Each guest is guaranteed a sensitive attitude and careful care, moral support. Every resident of the boarding house can count on constant maintenance from the staff.

GalaxyHomeCareNY case: what we offer you

Features of care for the elderly

High-quality, professional care for the elderly in the boarding house includes a range of services:

  • solving everyday issues;
  • balanced, healthy nutrition, developed by a nutritionist;
  • regular medical examinations and tests;
  • full, friendly communication;
  • psychological assistance;
  • services of a nurse;
  • control over the intake of medicines;
  • physio therapeutic procedures;
  • organization of interesting leisure activities;
  • providing nursing care at home.

Such care helps to preserve the physical and psychological health of an elderly person for a long time, to fill his life with joy and positive emotions.

Care for sick elderly people in a private boarding house

GalaxyHomeCareNY accepts guests with the following health problems:

  • fracture of the neck of the femur;
  • senile dementia;
  • heart attacks, strokes;
  • hearing impairment;
  • Alzheimer’s disease;
  • limb fractures;
  • visual impairment;
  • disability;
  • impaired motor function (bedridden patients).

The nursing home has all the conditions for the care and recovery of patients suffering from the most serious diseases. Experienced and highly qualified professionals work here, able to take proper care of the guests.

Alternative to state nursing homes

A person with serious health problems, who need medical or psychological assistance, can be registered in the boarding house without any restrictions. The boarding house staff does everything possible to ensure that the elderly do not need anything and find a decent old age.

You can register an elderly relative in the boarding house both on a permanent and temporary basis. The second option is ideal in cases when family members need to leave for some time or urgent matters do not allow them to take care of an elderly relative for a certain period.

The institution employs doctors, experienced nurses, and nurses who are able to provide guests with competent medical care, and professional care. A private boarding house is a great place where an elderly person can undergo a course of treatment or rehabilitation program prescribed by a doctor.