Never Have I Ever Questions Clean

Never Have I Ever Questions Clean for Fun Conversations

Entertainment Game

You can play the ‘Never have I ever’ game with anyone. But choosing the appropriate questions for the right crowd is the trick! So, if you wish to build the ground of trust and mental intimacy, you can select the never have I ever questions clean. So, start scrolling down to see all the wonderful never have I ever questions clean!

20 Never Have I Ever Questions Clean

You can go through 200 never have I ever questions. But choosing the right ones for a formal crowd can be confusing. And to do that, we’re at your rescue! Check out all the never have I ever questions clean below:

Never have I ever tried or thought of shoplifting

Shoplifting is a bad habit. And people who have such an intention are considered evil. So, if you are amongst a formal crowd, you can well enough admit the fact that you’ve thought of shoplifting.

Never have I ever blacked out

Getting disoriented and losing out your consciousness is something not everyone has experienced. Although the experience is exciting, but the reasons can be grave. So, why don’t you mention this in your group of friends and check out what they have to say about it? You can ask your friends to share the experience of fainting as well!

Never have I ever tried hitchhiking on a stranger

Persuading a stranger for a lift can be difficult. But it indeed brings about a great experience. The adventurous stories are going to interesting. So, if you haven’t yet got the experience, you can check out what your friends have to say about this!

Never have I ever have been arrested

Many people who are activists and fight for animals, people, and earth rights have been arrested. It is not that you have to be put into prison for all the evil reasons. Several good reasons can also place people in prison. So, if you have not been arrested but let your friends know. Also, you can see what your friends have to say. So, when you are making a list of the ‘never have I ever questions clean’, don’t miss out on this one.

Never have I ever gone on an adventurous sport like surfing

Trying out water sports is a great adventurous activity. And one of them is surfing! So, it is an ideal chance to know if your friends have tried out such activities. You can add this one to the never have I ever questions clean list.

Never have I ever got an electric shock

It is a common thing to get an electric shock. You can get it from a switchboard or electric fence. So, if you have been a calm child, then admit it in front of your friends. And check out how naughty your friends have been!

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Never have I ever got stitches

Have you been a calm kid during your childhood? Well, then you must not have the experience of getting stitches. It can happen by accident as well also. So, you can place this and see what your friends have to say about this! When you are making a list of the ‘never have I ever questions clean’, don’t miss out on this one.

Never have I ever eaten vegan

Are you a meat lover? Well, then it is time you let your couples and friends know! So, you can consider this as one of the never have I ever questions for couples too. That is because your partner should know about your eating habits.

Never have I ever gone Bungee Jumping

Trying out adventurous sports is real fun. So, if you are amidst friends, let them know that you haven’t yet gone Bungee jumping. Moreover, listening to this, you never know, your friends might plan this adventure soon.

Never have I ever broken one bone

When you are in a formal get-together, people usually think you are a reserved and calm person. But when you come up with these little statements, they will be in complete shock. Moreover, you will also be spellbound to check out how notorious your friends have been as kids.Never have I ever eaten food that was out of date

With our busy schedules and frequents, we often miss out on the expiry date of the food. But if you are among the sincere ones, then let your friends know that! Also, check out if your friends or partner has carelessly eaten up an out-of-date food.

Never Have I ever had the wish to be the World’s Richest Person

Your friends would be thinking you are lying if you told them this. But if you honestly do not wish to become the wealthiest person in the world, tell them that. We are sure most of the people around would admit that being the richest is their only wish. So, when you are making a list of the never have I ever questions clean, mention this one.

Never have I ever laughed on someone falling

When you are taking together the ‘hilarious never have I ever questions clean’, add this to the list. Laughing on someone’s fall is a common phenomenon for many. So, if you do not intend to laugh or giggle on someone’s fall, let your friends know. Also, see what your friends have to say about this! We are sure most people would gulp down their shots!

Never have I ever drove at the maximum speed limit

When you have fantastic roads, it is usually misleading to drive at high speed. Many times, people imagine the roads to be the race track. But if you have the self-control, it is a great way to tell your friends. Also, you can see what your friends have to say about this. It will make you aware of the people you should avoid giving the steering to.

Never have I ever lost my house keys

Even though locksmiths exist, we might end up sleep outside our house at times. But if you are a careful person who does not often lose things, place this one in the ‘never have I ever questions clean’ list. Check out what your friends have to say about this, and have a hilarious time together.

Never have I ever wanted to take rebirth as my dog

Dogs are compassionate and loving creatures. But they do not sleep for long hours. Usually, they tend to meditate within those hours and keep themselves alert. So, if you think your dog gets more sleep than you do, it is a wrong notion. However, you can always place this in the list of hilarious never have I ever questions, to see what if your friends know about this fact or not.

Never Have I ever tried bullying anyone

Bullying is not the right thing to do. But many people have the instinct to bully others. So, if you are clean from within, state this question when you are talking with your friends. It will give them an idea of your thoughts, and you will also know what they think. When you are making a list of these questions, always say what you honestly feel.

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Never Have I ever put Mentos into Pepsi or Coke

The sight when you put mentos into your coke or Pepsi is mesmerizing. But if you have not tried it in your childhood days, don’t miss out on this opportunity to let your friends know. You will see many of your friends almost fantasizing about the incident when they tell you their experiences. Also, once you end the game, try it out! You can never grow out of age to try out experiments.

Never have I ever told a lie that a TV person is my relative

Being related to someone on television is always cool. Many people tend to boast about being related to celebrities and television personalities. But if you do not count yourself among those, add this to your list. You will hear some hilarious stories from your friends about how they used to boast about being related to television people as kids.

Never have I ever liked songs sung by Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is almost everyone’s favorite. But it can be possible that you might not like songs sung by him. So, you can honestly say this to your friends. Check out how your friends react when you say this. So, when you are making a list of the ‘never have I ever questions clean’, add this to the list.

Never Have I ever Questions for Couples

Now that you know 20 never have I ever questions clean, let us check some applicable for couples. It is always essential you open up to your partner and let him/her know about your thoughts and deeds.

So, here is a list of never have I ever questions for couples for a clean relationship:

Never have I ever tried to stalk ex’s on social media platforms

Social media is a place where we all can meet. So, at times even if we are out of our relationships, it becomes common to stalk ex’s. But if you are clean enough, let your partner know this. He/she will be happy and content to find out about your deeds. Also, it is a golden chance to check out what your partner has to say about this!

Never have I ever been in an open relationship with someone

Relationships these days come with different tags. So, it is obvious for your partner to have questions about your past relationships. Before he/she comes up with any of these questions, you can place this statement in the game. In that way, you will also know what your partner has to say about an open relationship.

Never have I ever held the hand of a wrong person

Another never have I ever questions for couples is this one. You can let your partner know that alcohol has never got you tipsy that you held the wrong person’s hand. It will indeed make your partner happy. You can also check out what your partner has to say about this incident. If he/she has ever done this, it is a hilarious thing to discuss.

Never have I ever had crushes at the same time on two people

Another thing you can let your partner know is about your crushes. Discussing with him/her that you have never had crushes at the same time on two people. It indeed proves how trustworthy you are as a person. You can also use this chance to check out how your partner reacts to this statement.

Never Have I ever driven long to see my special person for 10 minutes

Love can indeed make you do crazy things. It can be jumping from the windows, diving into gardens, sneaking into bedrooms, and so much more. And one of those crazy things couples do is driving miles to visit their special one. But if you have not yet done it for anyone, it is time you told your partner this at the initial days of your courtship. Moreover, if you end up doing it in the future, your partner will be sure you have never done it for anyone else before.

Final Thoughts

This brings us to the end of all the never have I ever questions clean. We have also got for you 5 never have I ever questions for couples too. So, place these questions well in your get-together and see what others have to say.

You can either play this game with candies, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. But always keep in mind that when you are amidst friends, and you see people getting drunk, stop the game immediately.

Always remember that this is a game, and it is best to play it casually. Make sure things do not turn in the game that can lead to misunderstandings and fights.

However, if you can make sure of these small things, it is a great game to play. You will get to know each other well and even reveal some clean and dark secrets from one another.

Shusree Mukherjee

With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.

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