What Do Axolotls Eat in Minecraft

What Do Axolotls Eat in Minecraft and How Do They Breed?


Before finding out what do Axolotls eat in Minecraft, let us find out what it is!

Axolotls are among the newest members and mobs in Minecraft cliffs and caves. The axolotls can spawn in the underground water source. They are mostly found at sea level and in darkness.

This is the new mob set that was released this summer. They were updated a few times back and passive to the players. They don’t attack two mobs, turtles, and dolphins. Also, they attacked the other mobs while hunting and mostly preferred tropical fish as food. In this article, we will discuss what axolotls eat in Minecraft.

The Axolotls are not similar to the player, but they help players when they battle with hostile and underwater creatures. A player can gain the regeneration status effect when defeating a mob that Axolotl attacks. The players can also unlock multiple achievements by making the team with Axolotl.

A player can get the Healing Power of Friendship award by winning it with Axolotls. Mostly when a player wants to go fishing underwater for a long distance, they hire axolotls for their safety.

The Axolotls keep them safe during a fight. They can save a player from anything except a dolphin or turtle. Now let’s move to the next section of this article and understand what it means and what do Axolotls eat!

When did the Axolotls launch

Minecraft announced the cliffs and caves this year and launched in 2 separate parts. The first part of cliffs and caves was launched on June 8, 2021, and the second part will be launched this year.

The designers and developers are working on it and will update about the same after a few days. Minecraft has launched multiple cool items and cute and fun mobs with new blocks in the first part. In the first part, they launched Axolotls. To learn what axolotls eat in Minecraft, keep reading this article till the end.

Are you a regular player of Minecraft mob? Do you know that a few new creatures have been added to the list of Minecraft caves and cliffs? Simultaneously the team of developers is working to bring the new launch.

There are plenty of things which you should know about them. Minecraft has recently added axolotl mob as the newest animal in their 1.17 update. These creatures are most friendly and adorable.

In this article, we will give you detailed information on what do Axolotls eat. Here, we cover the most asked questions like where to find them, what the colors are, and how to tame them.

What do Axolotls eat

Blue axolotl is the new mob added to the Minecraft Caves and Cliffs. Are you a Minecraft player? If you are, you may have a lot of ideas about them. The best thing about the users of Minecraft is they can easily find and interact with them.

The Axolotls are mostly found in underwater exploration. They are the one who helps the player when they indulge in an underwater battle. They must keep other hostile mobs away from you and protect you from them.

Because of this helping nature, the player looks for Axolotls in Minecraft and breeds them. They are some special kinds of creatures and eat some special foods. Many players are there who search for what do axolotls in Minecraft eat?

Do you also want to know in Minecraft what do axolotls eat? So, the Axolotls eat only tropical fish. These colorful tropical fishes are tough to detect in the warm ocean. So, as a player, you need to concentrate on them. The players usually collect these tropical fishes through a bucket. Once the player collects them, they are ready to feed the Axolotls.

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Do you know how to breed Axolotls

Blue axolotl can be bred like the other animals in the game. There is nothing so tough about breeding Axolotls. Players who collect more than one tropical fish using the right method can easily find the breed of Axolotls.

If the Axolotls are adults, they can be bred after them after having the fish. Do you know how much time a baby Axolotls takes to spawn? So, a baby Axolotls takes almost 20 minutes to grow up. After they grow up, they are ready to breed. Well, these are too small and look extremely cute.

So, Axolotls are the newest mob that has been introduced, and these are super cute, and that’s why they can’t be tamed like an Ocelot. The Axolotls in Minecraft play the player’s role and kill all the enemies who come in the way of the players. They protect the player from underwater mobs. So, the next question that might come to your mind is what do axolotls eat in Minecraft or their diet?

What do axolotls eat in Minecraft

The cliffs and caves launched the part 1 update this year, and along with that, so many changes have been made to encourage the players. These changes include some of the changes in biomes, tweaks in the UI interface, and the newest addition.

Three more mobs were introduced: Glow Squids, Sheep, and blue axolotl Minecraft. These mobs are getting popular among the users and gaining popularity among the player base. All of them have different features and have a major role.

Axolotls are very hostile as compared to the other mobs. They behave differently from the other hostile mobs like the Guardians, Drowned, and Elder Guardians. They will attack these mobs along with the player.

The Axolotls can also be dead and injured during the fight. After that, they apply for regeneration and move back more strongly after the recovery. Axolotls are known as aquatic mobs, and they survive with a single Tropical Fish diet. As a player, you can attract Axolotls by feeding them Tropical Fishes. These fishes can be easily found in the oceans.

Are you a player who cannot grab a tropical fish or has zero ideas about what do axolotls in minecraft eat? The tropical fish can be caught with the rod. To grab them from the deep ocean, all the things a player need is a bucket full of water with the rod. So, bring a container and then tap on the water blocks. There you can grab the whole group of tropical fishes. The players have to take out the bucket band and then click on the Axolotl to feed them. Overall we can say that Axolotls are amphibious, and if you are a Minecraft fan, you should know about them briefly. Here we shared everything that is required to know as a strong player.

What Do Axolotls Eat in Minecraft

How to grab the Minecraft Axolotl?

To grab the Axolotl, the player has to find them in the deep ocean. Otherwise, you can also attract them by having a bunch of tropical fish and placing the tropical fish inside a bucket.

When a player grabs more than one axolotls at a time, they can serve the tropical fish so that the red bulbs can be displayed. By doing this, it is possible to produce the baby axolotl. It takes almost 20 minutes to bring them to their maturity level in-game. Want to speed up the process and complete the process in 10 minutes?

Don’t worry; serving them, tropical fish can minimize the processing time. Find more and more tropical fishes to make the Axolotl in a mature position. The blue axolotl Minecraft eats tropical fish that are in ocean biomes.

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Rather than feeding them individual fish, try to put a bunch of tropical fish. To capture the bunch of tropical fish, the player must click on the water block containing tropical fish. As a beginner, it will be tough for you to capture the tropical fish.

How can Minecraft be tamed?

The axolotls can’t be tamed by any of the players conventionally. A player can easily pick up and keep it in the bucket and leave them in the pond again. A player can also attach the lead to them and bring them outside because they can’t stay outside for more than 5 minutes.

Well, they can stay for some more time if there is rain. Another biggest question arises in users’ minds: what are Axolotl’s colors? So, the answer is they come in 5 different color patterns. The Axolotl colors are Cyan, Gold, Wild, Lucy, and Blue. If you find the blue Axolotl, you will be overwhelmed because they are found rarely.

There are many new mobs added to the cliff and caves recently. If you are a player of cliffs and caves, you can easily interact with them through the UI features. It will be so easy to find them underwater and make interaction.

These are unique in so many ways, and they are so caring towards the players. Sometimes there is a chance that they might stumble underwater. Want to explore the underwater?

Most of the players love to explore underwater creatures. Are you one of them? The players mostly love to breed axolotls, but you have to make some effort. We have already discussed that they need a special type of food for the breed.

So, they need tropical fish; otherwise, they can be bred like any other mobs. The best thing about them is that the player will love to be surrounded by them. They are the one who helps the players during the battle.

Minecraft has also recently launched the other 2 mobs in part 1, but among the 3, the Axolotl has gained more popularity. If the player defeats a mob, they receive the award for regeneration status effect.

Do you know how they breed?

The only way to complete their breeding procedure is to give them a treat of tropical fish. Only tropical fish can do that, so the players must search them out. Are you feeling unable to grab the tropical fish?

Don’t worry; you need to fill a bucket with water and dive deep underwater. You can keep any tropical fish color because the Axolotl eats anything. Pick any one of them which are swim around. Once you find the bucket of tropical fish, they can make the growth of Axolotl possible.

Do they attack other mobs?

As we discussed earlier, Axolotl is the most adorable creature in this game. They don’t attack players and seaborne threats, and they don’t even touch the dolphins and turtles alone. But yes, they help players by defeating the other mobs.

The Axolotl has a neat defense mechanism. If one Axolotl has an injury underwater, it will play dead and achieve regeneration. One can transfer this regeneration status to a player in a quick process. Want to refresh your game? Click on the Minecraft mods and if you want to give the environment a new look, add Minecraftshaders.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How do they drop in Minecraft?

When Axolotl dies, they drop and experience orbs.

2. How to kill Minecraft axolotls?

The Minecraft Axolotls should be there in the water. When they live outside the water for 5 minutes, they might die. If you put them out of the water, they can die. However, they survive longer in wet land.

3. Do they fight with mobs who are living with them?

Axolotls attack other mobs except for turtles and dolphins.

4. Does axolotl attack humans?

Well, there are a few scenarios when they harm the players. Wait, it doesn’t mean they are aggressive. They are calm and most adorable creatures. But they may make mistakes because of grabbing food. They are sensitive, and they never attack humans.

Final thoughts

After completing the above-discussed details on what do axolotls eat in Minecraft, you can easily find how important tropical fish are. The love for tropical fish among Axolotl is amazing.

Shusree Mukherjee

With 10+ years of experience in SEO content writing, Shusree believes content can move mountains while you deep dive into a pool of new experiences through learning and unlearning. Shusree loves to write on travel, health, beauty, celebrity, food, and all that jazz.